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Google Reviews

I highly recommend Niva’s services. Her knowledge of the body combined with her listening skills is first rate. I was referred to her by my Dr during the COVID-19 shutdown and she set up a virtual appointment and talked to me the same day as the referral. The questions she asked to reach a diagnosis were pointed and detailed and really showed her knowledge of the subject matter.

She came up with a treatment plan and demonstrated exercises to me and made sure I was doing them correctly all over video chat and I am now pain free. I couldn’t recommend Niva highly enough!


David & Joy Hamilton

Sam was excellent! She helped me heal quickly and gave great advice that I will follow for years to come. She offered extremely detailed answers to all of my questions and helped me achieve my goals in fewer sessions than initially prescribed.

She always gave me time to do home PT and didn’t push me to schedule more sessions than necessary or take medications too soon. Thank you for working your magic, Sam!


Rene Spiewak

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Feedback from our clients

“I am so grateful to have found Core Dynamics at one of the most vulnerable times in my life, when I felt like my body was betraying me. I had struggled with constipation for decades, but suddenly, I also had excruciating pelvic pain and rectal bleeding that scared the hell out of me and made basic bodily functions more difficult than I had ever imagined they could be.
My PT, Sam, provided a space in which I felt completely safe to talk about what was happening to me. This was so important, because I had a hard time talking about it with anyone else. Her empathetic listening, thoughtful advice and easy-to-understand explanations helped so much. And her warmth and sense of humor were positively healing.
Sam is an immensely skilled pelvic floor PT. However much I was hurting that day, my sessions always left me feeling better, both physically and emotionally. She also gave me the tools to help myself: not only exercises, pelvic wand work and self-massage — all of which have reduced my pain and improved the functioning of my pelvic floor — but also a sense of how to listen to my body, and how to be kind to it, even when it’s causing me pain or limiting what I can do.
Since ‘graduating’ from working with Sam, I have had almost no pelvic pain. I have a good sense of what can trigger my pain, and what I can do to prevent it. And if I start to feel achy or tight, I know exactly how to help myself, so that it does not turn into full-blown pain.
I wish someone had told me about pelvic floor PT a couple decades ago — it could’ve saved me a lot of suffering. But as it is, I am so glad I found CoreDynamics when I really needed help. Thank you so much, Sam!”
AG, 46 (Female)

I just wanted to say THANK YOU for everything that you and the team at Core Dynamics have done for me. I just got my first positive pregnancy test earlier this week, and don’t think it would have been possible without your help (and if it was possible, it would have been a very dreaded and painful process to get here, instead of an exciting journey). Though I am excited I am no longer experiencing pelvic floor issues, I will definitely miss you and your team – you guys have such a way of putting me at ease during our sessions. Still can’t believe after 30ish years of my life, I can now experience intimacy in general AND intimacy without pain. Never thought it would be possible. So glad I found you. Thanks again and stay well!

CK, 30 (Female)

I was a patient of Niva’s over a three month period for a grade 3 prolapse. Niva and I met virtually and I can’t believe the progress I was able to make in such a short period of time and in a virtual setting. Niva is flexible and let’s you decide how frequently you would like to meet. She provides exercises that are tailored to your symptoms. What I found the most helpful is that she emails recaps of each session sharing notes and exercises that were discussed as well as YouTube links to videos of her doing the exercises. Not only does Niva provide you with instructions on how to do targeted exercises but, she also discussed diet and lifestyle. It is evident that she cares about her patients and I would 100% recommend her for your virtual appointment today. 


Female (She/Her), 37

I can’t thank you enough for restoring my health. Before I started physical therapy (PT) with you, I had endured four months of debilitating pelvic pain and my life was at standstill. During that period, I saw several urologists and had taken countless prescriptions, which did nothing to eliminate my pain.  Within one month of PT, I was already feeling better.  By the second month, I was pain free and had my life back… exercising regularly, riding my motorcycle and enjoying time with my kids.  I have peace of mind knowing that if the pain returns, PT is viable treatment option.

Male, 47

“I had an excellent experience with Samantha! She put me at ease, took the time to explain the therapy and get feedback from me. Working with Samantha truly made a difference and I had positive results. I highly recommend Core Dynamics Physical Therapy and Samantha.”

JB, Female, 64

I have been going for physical therapy at Core Dynamics Physical Therapy for the last six months to deal with endometriosis. I’ve worked with both Rebecca and Niva and their kind and compassionate care. The atmosphere is just a happy place where they make you feel so comfortable and cared for. They worked with me and my schedule and helped me so much. I’ve been dealing with chronic pain for many years.  I tried everything from pain management medications, physical therapy, surgical options and more.  I was recommended by two renowned specialists to see the team at Core Dynamics and the results were beyond my expectations. After several sessions I felt like I had a new lease on life. I recently got married and all I can say is THANK YOU REBECCA AND NIVA.  You’ve changed my life!  There is co cure for endometriosis BUT I FEEL CURED!!!

Female, 20

Core Dynamics Physical Therapy was a wonderful experience.
Between their professional and caring demeanor it put me at an ease that I didn’t think I would have.
I was very comfortable and they helped me so much.
All the staff members were easy to talk to and very accommodating!
I would highly recommend Core Dynamics Physical Therapy!

Female, 47

Niva and Rebecca gave me my life back! As a vulvodynia and vestibulitis patient, I never thought live pain-free. I saw six gynecologists before one properly diagnosed me and sent me to this remarkable duo. Thank goodness my gynecologist did send me here. They listened, taught me to manage my pain, and were experts in their work. Plus they coordinate with my gynecologist, so I never have to worry about my treatment providers being on the same page.

Have pelvic pain? Don’t hesitate to see these two. They’re amazing.

Female, 32

Thank you, Niva, for taking care of me with the utmost of professionalism and care. My experience with you was a world away from previous experiences elsewhere. I completely trust your expert hands and enormous knowledge of your subject matter and am eternally grateful for your genuine help and concern for my recovery. You gave me the best possible treatment I could have ever asked or hoped for and with prompt customer service and punctual appointment times. You helped turn a miserable diagnosis into a hurdle that I in turn was able to overcome. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

Female, 42


Miracle worker. In 5 sessions Niva made my chronic lower back pain disappear!
I can now pick up both of my toddlers at the same time without hesitation.
Female, 35

My experience with Niva at Core Dynamics Physical Therapy was such a positive one.  I really appreciated her listening and discussing my issues with interest.  Her knowledge and training added to the experience.  She encouraged the exercises and was so patient if I had a problem.  I would highly recommend Niva and Core Dynamics Physical Therapy.

LM, 71, Female

…I have been continuing your exercises at home, and have been experiencing such great results. I honestly did not expect the symptoms of pain and discomfort to subside as quickly as they have since coming to you.

I just wanted to thank you. I feel like I have my life back, and my confidence back as well. You truly made me feel like I would get to the other side of this, even if it wasn’t clear when that would be. Your sessions were so supportive and informative, and I feel so prepared to continue what you’ve taught me to live a healthier lifestyle!

MJ, 32, Female

“… am glad that you have initiated this service for your patients to take advantage of your professional expertise.
Just want you to know, that I believe your therapy and advice has been improving my “Peeing issues” and that I continue to do my daily exercises …
With much thanks for your guidance and my improved health.”
BB, 77 (Male)

Dear Niva,
Thank you so much for your work with me! I came to your office and followed up via Telehealth with this very intimidating problem of ‘pelvic prolapse’.  You created an atmosphere where I feel safe and relaxed.
I learned how to correctly do all the exercises and most importantly stick to them. Out of so many exercises, I was able to find what works for me. You are a great professional and you know how to help.
YI, Female, 64

“It is important for me to share how Sam at Core Dynamics showed me that it is possible to correct a decades long problem with constipation. After having prolapse (rectocele) surgery, my surgeon recommended Core Dynamics for pelvic floor therapy. The education and numerous techniques I now incorporate in my daily life shows how the correct treatment can help finally win my battle with a serious. chronic problem.”

MH, Female, 71

“Sam is an incredible therapist: warm, grounded, respectful, and so, so knowledgeable. She put me at ease immediately. Her thorough explanations taught me so much about my pelvic floor and how to get my muscles working in coordination. She was never judgmental and always patient with my questions. Pelvic floor dysfunction can be isolating, embarrassing, and disheartening. Having Sam in my corner made all the difference. It really felt like we were a team working together. She approached my issues with optimism, compassion, and a problem-solving mindset. I walked away from our sessions together empowered, with huge improvements in my condition. My only regret is not coming sooner!”

JL, 50 (Female)


“Sam is a patient, knowledgeable and effective pelvic floor Physical Therapist. She takes the time to really listen and to respond to your concerns and issues. She is gentle with your body and explains what she is going to do before doing it, providing explanations for what the problem is, why it is happening, and how to alleviate the situation. I saw her for a pelvic floor problem hoping to get back to my “normal” self and found that I wound up doing much better in my everyday life than what I had previosuly considered normal. I highly recommend her.”

NR, 72 (Female)